
Posts Tagged ‘blog’

Life is a little like threading a needle.

Sometimes, you just need to stab the eye of the beast before you can proceed – then you can make, mend or decorate with stitches to create a thing of beauty.

Thank-you for following, reading, sharing and commenting – The Trefoil Muse

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Thank-you for following, reading, sharing and commenting – The Trefoil Muse

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Move towards your dreams with confidence,

Take action to transform them into reality,

Growth from seed to bloom takes effort,

Gather the essence of your dream’s bouquet,

And, share your inspiration with others,

Such is the bounty of a wildflower’s wisdom,

Smile, it’s a beautiful day!


Thank-you for following, reading, sharing and commenting – The Trefoil Muse

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Ahead the mountains were coming together; a ridge joining the long arc of the ice-topped northern range was closing in on the eroded southern highlands, which had become sharper, higher and icier, until they were separated by only a narrow gorge.

Elsa stood in the center of it all, despondent; blindly oblivious to the magic about her.  Crisp air bit at her face and forced wayward tears from her vacant eyes while icy fingers tousled and knotted her hair.  Three crows perched on a west facing tree-line where they silently observed the morose woman. She ignored them.  To her, crows were just a stark reminder of heart wrenching days, weeks, months and hell; years of loss. 

Birth, life, death, rebirth… she’d dealt with too much death.  All of the loss – change she corrected herself; had left her empty – hollow.  Nothing of her old self remained.  Even the grass around her was dead.  Extreme summer heat and lack of moisture resulted in massive forest fires. Any greenery not devoured by fire lay neglected and clung desperately to life as it choked on ash and smoke among the charred remains of a once vibrant forest. Yet, there ahead of her hidden in the narrow gorge lay a stretch of green land.  It felt as if she had travelled a lifetime to arrive at this spot and start anew once again.

Elsa gazed about with grainy red eyes.  The smoke made her eyes burn like they’d been scalded.

Fires on the northern range continued.  They’d caused enough smoke to smudge the land of negative energy for months.  No rain, no sun, no air and extreme heat had kept Elsa imprisoned inside her home until nervous exhaustion sapped the last reserves of her mental and emotional strength.  She no longer saw her home as a safe haven; instead she saw it only as a cage.  Inside that cage, any semblance of a hopeful creative spark had been mercilessly snuffed out.  She was simply empty.  Still, her heart kept beating which surprised her. Blood coursed through her veins, pulsing, ebbing, and surging to the rhythmic beat of its cadence. She was strong – too strong and too determined; she could not give up on life.  The will to live drove Elsa to escape her plight, to search for the mythical Promised Land with the golden apple. That is why she stood here – at the center of it all; despondent; hollow and oblivious. The journey had been a long, arduous one but Elsa strode stubbornly forward in her quest toward a better existence. Elsa loathed the thought of a life filled with stagnation, boredom and lack of abundance but the devastation she’d travelled through had been a nightmare which caused her to frequently question the sanity of her decision. 

‘What would she tell others about this journey?’

Under better conditions, on a day with fewer horrors and more rest, someone would surely know what to say.

Unfortunately, Elsa was struck mute at the devastation she saw before her.  A tear slipped from her burning red eyes and rolled down her cheek.  She swiped at it absently with the back of her hand.

Elsa startled as the silence around her erupted into chaos.

 “I hear something in the woods crashing toward me!”

A flurry of crows took to the air and cried out a warning but it was too late for Elsa.  A large grizzly had her by the back of the neck and was shaking her ruthlessly. 

Death in the wilderness can be violent.  Of this wild fact, Elsa had been aware. This however, was not the ending she had envisioned for herself in the cycle of death and rebirth. Now she realized – too late it seemed – that when her wheel of life continued, it would be within the contents of a Grizzly’s hollow, empty stomach. 

Elsa felt her life ebbing away.  The dry parched earth drank greedily of her spilt blood.

With her dying words she spoke to the great bear which had dared take her life into its own, “Next to the stone grows an ancient apple tree laden with golden fruit.”  

“Go there.  Enter into the great mystery; you will live a fruitful life.  Never again will you be hungry and you will become wiser than you ever imagined.”

Elsa felt the shift of energy when it happened.

Rain fell from the heavens as if angels wept.  Much needed moisture drenched the scorched, charred landscape and revitalized parched yellow grass. Air became clear. Magical tears gave birth to new life in the forest as two lives once separate melded.  The Grizzly – a great bear; now one with Elsa disappeared into the forest’s vast nothingness. He is on a quest toward a stone. Next to it grows an ancient apple tree laden with golden fruit – or so the tale has been told.

Keepers of the Stars say, if one were to look toward the Heavens, they would find a Great celestial Bear to the north, still searching for Elsa’s golden fruit.  The bear has become very wise. If you find yourself lost or hollow, it will help guide your way home.

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Alberta is dry.

A heat dome has settled over our province. 

The prairie has been an arid desert.

Dust hangs in the air and silt blows through any cracks and crevices of the house to rest indoors on my furniture.

Our northern forests are ablaze.

In the news, no one reports on the arson which caused this fiery tragedy up north, on any charges laid or on the perpetrator(s) set free until their court date arrives. In the midst political campaigns, they’d rather call it global warming than tell the truth.  It’s just more of the same political rhetoric.

Meanwhile, fire fighters are busy trying to fight fires and farmers are busy trying to seed their crops.  Cattlemen and women are busy tending to their cow/calf operations. People are busy living their lives both in rural and urban areas.  At this point, most Albertans have probably already decided on which candidate they will vote for and don’t care about two women fighting over who will reign as Premier in our province. But, the political force with their mudslinging and bluster has left a foul odor in the air.

Today, a barbarous cold wind blew in from the north.  They call the wind, Tramontane.

With flying hooves, Tramontane carried smoke from the north, across central Alberta and delivered it south.

The smell of smoke and fire troll mingles with dust to smudge our province of negativity. Once the foul political odor is removed from the air, I’m sure it will rain.

Tramontane, the north wind, promises a change in weather. 

Around here, all of the crops are in the ground.  They would definitely benefit from some moisture as would the rest of our province.

Alberta needs rain.

And, when it does, I’m going to dance like nobody’s watching!

Hang on a second, let me correct that, why wait?

I’m going to go out in that smudgy, windy air and do a rain dance with Tramontane like no one is watching right now!

I hope you’ll join with me in the dance where ever you reside.  The more the merrier! Let’s make it rain, just dance!

The North winds moral lesson is that kind and gentle persuasion always wins over force and bluster.

(May whomever aspires to reign over our province in the future consider the above lesson.)


Thank-you for following, reading, sharing and commenting – The Trefoil Muse


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tramontane (/trəˈmɒnteɪn/ trə-MON-tayn)[a] is a classical name for a northern wind. The exact form of the name and precise direction varies from country to country. The word came to English from Italian tramontana, which developed from Latin trānsmontānus (trāns- + montānus), “beyond/across the mountains”,[1][2][3] referring to the Alps in the North of Italy. The word has other non-wind-related senses: it can refer to anything that comes from, or anyone who lives on, the other side of mountains, or even more generally, anything seen as foreign, strange, or even barbarous.
The journey of “tramontane” into English starts in Latin and begins with the coming together of the prefix trans-, meaning “across” or “beyond,” and montanus, meaning “of a mountain.”

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Off the beaten path a rolling stone gathers no moss.  The roll of its movement is like poetry in motion.

At a bridge too far, footsteps linger on a path.

A witness bearer is observing nature.

A rock falls, succumbs to the pressure and breaks in half. It will never be the same. Even pieced together, it will not ever be whole.  There will always be light shining through its center. 

Iridescent and beautiful, a shine traverses the in-between, always seeing both sides of an equation.

Never judging, never choosing which side is better, the lights only purpose; quiet acceptance.

It glistens and flows silently becoming the glue which clings to each half of a shattered foundation then with quiet support, it centers the mass – makes it stronger through the light bond of its touch and creates something new.


Like a bridge too far reaching across a cut-face, light connects both sides.

Some rock hard,  stone like individuals previously stuck begin to cross over from the precipice of the cut-face.  They courageously take small steps until gravity intervenes and they roll smoothly across. Having bridged the gap they celebrate their new found strength.

Fear paralyzes the forward motion of others. Their burden is heavy. They must remain unmoving and solid.

“Even rocks can crack,” they say sadly.

This a dark fact rarely mentioned – cracking is forbidden. It’s taboo to admit weakness or even create an awareness of its existence because one would then notice a concrete failure in their foundation. 

Instead of rounded thoughts and wheels of motion to roll ahead, they form blocks. They see how easy blocks are to stack.  They gauge progress by building barriers instead of bridges. They notice how they feel stuck in the mire and begin to sink as they fall into the pressure of its darkness and crack.

But, they don’t notice the beauty, movement or force of the light connecting the pulsing broken shards of a stone and how it has formed others into glorious pieces of art.  Or, the peace that washes over a shattered, broken work in progress when it transforms through an acceptance of nature and, moves on; forever fragmented but beautifully whole; perfect while they dance and bond with the light of the in-between at the cut-face near the bridge too far.  Free.

Thank-you for following, reading, sharing and commenting – The Trefoil Muse

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Three weeks ago, a foggy mist of milk white hid the horizon. It was still cold. Spring was here but the tendrils of winter were loath to release their taunting grip on the prairie.

Many migrating birds were overhead.  I knew this because I could hear them.

I always tend to marvel at the ability of migratory birds especially, their instinctual ability to navigate blindly through inclement weather and unseen territory while they fly toward their new destinations.

I heard familiar honking in the distance. The recognizable sound was that of the Canadian Geese as they arrived in droves while fog shrouded the land. Other flocks of migratory birds were also flying in. Their types were harder to discern with listening ears because the opaque wall inhibited any clear view of the arriving birds and muffled the sounds of their songs.

The misty cold weather was surreal. Unending fog can be depressing to some but I enjoy the damp, cool weather and find the wall of cloudy white strangely comforting, even safe. I like the idea of disappearing behind a veil of white.  It’s private. I especially like walking in the fog, mainly because I am obliged to use my other senses and am forced to pay closer attention to what’s in my immediate circle during the hours before the fog relents to the rays of the mid-day sun.

But, that day, I was imagining what it would be like to spread open the white wall of fog with my hands as if it were curtains and step through it.  I was wondering if it would it be a clear day or magical world on the other side of the curtains when a knock interrupted my whimsy.

Knock, knock.


“What’s knocking at my front door, it’s not like a knocking that I’ve heard before,” I wondered. (more…)

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When life drones on,

Spread your wings and fly.


Thank-you for following, reading, sharing and commenting – The Trefoil Muse



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As winter loosens her icy grip,

I find myself looking forward to greener pastures, wild roses and the sound of water…

Thank-you for following, reading, sharing and commenting – The Trefoil Muse

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